Царське село

Charity evening and a presentation of the participants of the MRS. UKRAINE WORLD-2019

On October 21, in the best Ukrainian restaurant Tsarske Selo, a charity evening and a presentation of the participants of the MRS. UKRAINE WORLD-2019 “.
Traditionally, on the eve of the competition, the organizers invite everyone to get to know the participants of the competition and take part in a charity auction. As part of the Royal Charity Evening, exclusive lots from 13 participants will be presented. As in the past year, all the funds raised will go to help children with disabilities.
In 2018, the contest organizers were able to collect 66 thousand UAH. to purchase sports equipment, thereby fulfilling the little dream of the pupils of the Pugachevsky boarding school.
Feature of the contest “MRS. UKRAINE WORLD – 2019 ”are its participants – held business-women, who are ready to show by their example that a woman can be not only beautiful! The competition is an interactive forum for Ukrainian women who have achieved success in business, science, politics or art. Women who have gained recognition and can share their achievements.
Among the guests of the charity evening are stars of show business and beauty industry, famous actors, singers, producers, television stars, choreographers, editors of glossy magazines and you!
See you at MRS. Royal Charity Evening-2019 “.
October 21, Tsarskoye Selo restaurant, 19:00